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Dear Maddie, Josh, Caleb, and Olivia,

This blog is intended to be the life musings, lessons, and stories from my life for you, my children. And while I do attempt to teach you these things now, you are too young to understand many of the things on my mind. So rather than try to explain to a 5 year old “why contempt for the opposing political party is really toxic to her personally even though we really do have legitimate disagreements regarding economic theory, etc.” …I’ll write them down here. And put them on the internet so all my peers and enemies can gawk at my obscene attempt at self-expression. This blog is intended to be an honest, entertaining look at the struggles, victories and wisdom (or lack thereof) from a Millennial Dad of four in his middle 30’s.

Kids, life is harder than you expect it might be. This is not a complaint. I believe life is intended to have difficulties. One day, you will not know how you’re going to make ends meet, your marriage will be on the brink of failure, you will experience the death of those close to you…someday my own death. (Although this is hard to imagine as Olivia often points out I am, in fact, very strong.) But these challenges and sufferings, my son or daughter, are for you to meet and overcome. They may not be your fault, but they will be your responsibility. They will make you better.

I do not wish for any of you a life without suffering. I wish for you a life in which you overcome the challenges God has for you. I hope that my failures in my attempts to overcome my relatively small challenges will not sour you on the whole endeavor. Good luck and tell your mother she can’t have any more pets.

For the rest of you, thanks for reading. 

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Justin Timberlake

"You're not meant to do what is easy. You're meant to challenge yourself"

(Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie)

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Breaking News.

Note: I wrote this years ago and never posted it. I wish I had. Surprisingly, it aged better than expected. Evangelical Darling Voldemort...

WTF: what the fish

My wife shared with me recently she read the story of Jonah in her quiet time. As she relayed the story and I thought I about it I felt...

Rat Park

Your community and environment matter immensely to your well being. Even your ability to take care of yourself. There is a somewhat...

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